March 29, 2024

Skitouring-seiklus Tromsos

Nordic sea views, snowy mountains and spring sun – what else is there to think about? Let's get going!

Every day a new adventure awaits us: a new mountain peak to discover, or a new part of the island offering unique views.

Our adventures take us 500 km north of the Arctic Circle, to the port city of Tromso. The nature is wonderful and I hear the northern lights can still surprise you there in April!

Description of the adventure trip

The archipelagos of northern Norway are considered a ski tourism paradise - absolutely extraordinary views from mountain peaks that simply cannot be experienced anywhere else.We live live next to the city of Tromso in the middle of nature and choose a new adventure every day! 

On the first day of the trip, we get used to the skis and get a good feel for the slopes of the Tromso ski resort. We make an introduction to our awesome program and play through some technical exercises with safety training. So you can get a good start on your first day and we a clearer view of your expectations and experiences. 

Over the next few days, each day we’ll choose a new part of the island or a region of the mountains that we will explore together. We have also involved kohalik skitouring giid, who knows how to choose paths that are accessible to everyone, exciting and only increase your appetite. 

Igas päevas on värskes õhus seiklemist ca 6-7 tundi koos pildistamiste, vaadete nautimiste ja lihtsalt puhkehetkedega veedame enamuse päevast värskes õhus. Ühe päevadest teeme ka kergema puhkepäeva ja uudistame ringi Tromso linnas, kus asuvad maailma põhjapoolseim ülikool, toomkirik, botaanikaaed ja planetaarium.

You would think that the weather would be quite crisp in the far north, but in reality it is already quite warm in April and the spring sun is shining enough to add a light tan to your face! 

Daily temperatures range from –5 to +5 degrees Celsius in April. Tromso is also well-known as a place where the aurora is a fairly common phenomenon. I hear you're supposed to see these shows from September through April, so be prepared to even get lucky enough to experience that surprise!

“Skitouring on lahe kombo mägedes matkamisest ja suusatamisest. Järgmisel skitouring reisil näeme!”

Merli, Skitouring ABC 2024

For whom?

Osalemise eelduseks on hea üldfüüsiline vorm ja vastupidavus pikalt õues viibida ja nii üles- kui allamäge liikuda. Laskumiste osas on oluline varasem mäesuusatamise kogemus. Kindlasti tuleb kasuks kui oled külastanud mäesuusakeskusi väljaspool Eestit või läbinud meie “Skitouring ABC” Itaalias Dolomiidi Alpides.

Radade valikut, tõusude pikkuseid ja tempot reguleerime vastavalt osalistele soovidele ja oskustele. 

See reis on kindlasti sobilik ka kõigile neile, kes tegelevad erinevate vastupidavusaladega. Kõrgus merepinnast ning rohked tõusumeetrid on alati tagatud. Eks selles seisneb ka oma võlu –  laskumine tundub tänu pikale tõusule veelgi magusam ja nauditavam!  

Kui Sul tekkis küsimusi, siis anna meile teada ja kohtume juba peatselt Norra fjordide keskel!


Our home away from home will be Tromso Lodge and Camping hubased palkmajad, kus igasse majja mahub 4-5 inimest. Majutus on mägede taustal ja looduse keskel, Tromso keskusest ca 3,5 km kaugusel. 

Accommodation is in double rooms and all meals are prepared together as a team. A healthy and complete menu has been created in cooperation with our nutrition advisor and one of our guides, Kädi-Liis Sepp.

PACKAGE contains:

Paketi hind on 2645 eurot.

VARAJASE liituja hind: registreerudes enne 10. detsember 2024 (sh) on paketi is 2575 eurot.

Kui Sul on oma varustus olemas, siis palun anna teada või märgi see registreerimisel lisainfo lahtrisse. 

Flexible payment: registreerimise järgselt edastame broneeringuarve (500 eur/inimene), mis kinnitab Sinu reisikoha. You can choose how you’d like to pay for the rest of the package in the registration form: it is possible to pay in full in one instalment 30 days before the start of the trip and in two instalments, where 50% of the cost should be paid 65 days before the start of the trip and the remaining amount 30 days before the start of the trip.

Travel guide Rain Seepõld

Rain is a cheerful and inspiring travel companion, often attracted to things that seem impossible at first. In that spirit, Rain and I have embarked on a journey called “Make the Impossible Possible.” Skitouring will be featured as a sport for the first time at the 2026 Winter Olympics – let's find out with Rain how far we can go! Stay tuned with the video diary and we'll see you soon in real life on the trip!

To exciting adventures in Norwegian fjords!